
Feel Free to Destroy this Art Gallery

Great article from: Source (Image courtesy of Anger Room)

There’s something about the holiday season that just makes you want to hit stuff. So rather than let that stress build and build, culminating in a furious tirade against your Donald Trump-loving uncle over Grandma’s dinner table, try and work out your anger before you head home to the family. Luckily, this weekend Chicago’s CROMEgallery has teamed up with Anger Room to provide you with the perfect outlet. The idea is genius: for the price of a couple of movie tickets, you enter a mocked-up room and completely destroy it, knowing that you’ll be free of any sort of repurcussions.  And we’re not just talking shaking feathers loose from a few pillows—these rooms are equipped with computers, sofas, televisions and couches, all donated and just waiting for you to go ham. As the folks at Anger Room put it, “At some point or another in our lives, we deal with stress, whether in the workplace, in our relationships and even at home. At some point in our lives, we’ve wanted to lash out, throw something or hit something in an effort to relieve ourselves of frustration and stress.”

Because this particular incarnation of Anger Room is paired with CROMEgallery and debuted on a night when Chicago artists open their doors to the city, it’s specifically designed for creatives. Nikki Crome of CROMEgallery thinks the event’s perfect for anyone who’s “ever walked into a gallery showing and just wanted to start slinging paint and breaking wine glasses and paintings.” So, pretty much everyone.

Alas, this incarnation of Anger Room is sold out, but you can still get on their wait list. For more information, click here.

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December 20, 2015